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Situational Leadership

Davis L. Holloway, Master Instructor
Center for Leadership Studies

September 9, 2004

Mayaguez Resort & Casino Hotel


This is the foundational program. You’ll learn the essential skill of diagnosing the performance needs of individuals and teams and the “how to” of working with and through them to get the job done -- while maintaining a positive work environment. Once you’ve mastered the basics of the “model” we’ll work on how it can be applied to help you to develop others and to reverse “slipping performance.  We’ll spend time analyzing and interpreting the results of your LEAD Self-assessment and end the day with an energetic session with the Situational Simulator.  Throughout, you’ll be considering how the Situational Leadership® model can best be leveraged to meet your leadership challenges both personally and organizationally.

This course will enable the participant to:

¨     Provide learners the leadership “how to”;

¨     Enrich and augment existing “human skills”;

¨     Maximize the probability of successful and effective leadership;

¨     Support and sustain the process of organizational change;

¨     Provide learner the means to align and integrate their leadership intentions and behavior – their walk and talk;

¨     Learn to apply the model in a variety of settings;

¨     Increase leadership effectiveness while bolstering the bottom-line.



8:00 AM

Registration & Wake-up coffee

8:30 AM

Morning Session (1/4)

10:15 AM


10:30 AM

Morning Session (2/2)

12:00 M


1:00 PM

Afternoon Session (1/2)

2:30 PM


2:45 PM 

Afternoon Session (2/2)

4:30 PM



Dr. Manuel Toledo*
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department -RUM
Exts.: 3097

Dr. Manuel Jimenez
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3780

Dr. Rogelio Palomera
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3098

* Reservations

- The workshop will count for CEP credit (8 hours)
- Reservations required due to limited number of seats
- Refreshments and lunch will be served


¨     Introduction

·       Workshop Organization

·       What is Leadership?

·       Self-Assessment (LEAD Self instrument – may be done in advance)


¨     Influencing the Performance of Others - Module 1

·       The Process of Influence

§       Leadership Culture – who are we?

§       Define management and leadership and discuss the differences

§       Explore the concept of leadership and its importance to successful and effective management

§       Collect data to determine your perception of your leadership style

·       Surfacing the Real Task

§       Understand the distinction of job, task and activity

§       Getting on the same page – a common language for performance


¨     Assessing Criteria for Performance - Module 2

·       Readiness

§       Identify and understand indicators of ability

§       Identify and understand the indicators of willingness

§       Understand the interplay of ability and willingness

§       The dynamic quality of readiness

·       Readiness Levels

§       Determine the indicators of readiness levels

§       Identify and understand the logic of readiness

§       Use of readiness as a diagnostic tool


¨     Leader Behavior - Module 3

·       Leadership Styles

§       Explain the terms “task behavior “ and “relationship behavior” and describe them by behavioral indicators

§       Give examples of high/low task and high/low relationship behavior

§       Benchmarking: classify examples of leader behavior

·       The Model

§       Discuss and work with the Situational Leadershipâ Model

§       Know which styles have the highest probability of success in various situations

§       Know the high-probability leadership styles of various situations

§       Understand short and long-term consequences of style/readiness mismatches

·       Feedback – comfort, culture and communication

§       Understand the significance of your primary leadership style

§       Determine the supporting style(s) which completes your style profile

§       Identify areas for growth and development – the perceptions of others

§       LEAD 360 Feedback Profile – Analysis and Interpretation (Optional) 

·       Situational Simulation – Skill Practice

§       Back on the job…

·       Program Close



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