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TI-UPRM Workshop: Organizational Savvy

Registration not available


Suzanne Armstrong   


    Thursday, October 12th, 2006.


    Eugene Francis Conference Room



MODULE ONE: The need for organizational savvy

You may be underestimating the role that politics plays in how your ideas sell or in your career mobility. A Baseline Attitude Activity and a provocative presentation reveal tip-offs that you may not have paid enough attention to the role of organizational politics.

MODULE TWO: Organizational savvy model

A continuum shows two contrasting organizational political power styles. The styles collide, each with a unique world view and different a calculus for evaluating ideas. The clues are revealed for recognizing each style of operating, along with the dangers and liabilities of each extreme. You'll discuss the character flaws associated with the two extreme political styles and understand the benefits of a third style, one that balances organizational impact with personal integrity.

MODULE THREE: Political blind-spot case studies

You'll analyze and discuss scenarios from real corporations to identify clues about each person's political style placement on the Organizational Savvy Continuum Model. You'll apply program principles to explore how problems might have been prevented and what constructive actions might have led to a more positive outcome.

MODULE FOUR: Savvy attitudes to pierce the emotional veil

Some people react with such an emotional outrage to politics that they are knocked off balance and get hooked. Instead of  being crippled by your reactions, you'll learn to alter your attitudes about organizational politics by taking control of your thoughts and belief systems.

MODULE FIVE: Read power dynamics and know your "corporate buzz"

Astute influencers study their companies' power relationships and unwritten rules to learn how decisions are really made. You'll plot power trends and then discover your corporate buzz–– how you and your team are perceived (the good, the bad, the ugly)–– and how to manage these perceptions. Understanding your organization's "scorecard" and your reputation is pivotal to job success, influence efforts, and career advancement.

MODULE SIX: Street-smart political strategies

You'll learn practical action strategies to avoid naiveté and to become more politically savvy. You'll see that being political need not equate with becoming unethical. It means getting ideas implemented without selling your soul, and living to tell about it. You'll discover the importance of actions like promoting yourself, building your power base, networking, ethical lobbying, respecting turf, and addressing hidden agenda.


8:00 AM Registration & Wake-up coffee
8:30 AM Morning Session (1/4)
10:15 AM Break
10:30 AM Morning Session (2/2)
12:00 M Lunch
1:00 PM Afternoon Session (1/2)
2:30 PM Break
2:45 PM  Afternoon Session (2/2)
4:30 PM Evaluation


Dr. Manuel Toledo*
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department -RUM
Exts.: 3097

Dr. Manuel Jimenez
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3780

Dr. Rogelio Palomera
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department - RUM
Ext.: 3098

* Reservations

- The workshop will count for CEP credit (8 hours)
- Reservations required due to limited number of seats
- Refreshments and lunch will be served


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